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Website Search Engine Optimization

& Social Media Marketing

Website SEO and SMM

How we do Search Engine Optimization

& Social Media Marketing.

Having a website and hosting it is never enough.  There is a lot that goes into setting it up and making your investment worth it by making sure that your website is Optimized for Search Engines used by Google, Microsoft and other companies.  At the same time the Social Media also need to be properly set up and regularly posting to be made plus videos.

  1. The goal of going through the process of Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing is to make sure that when customers are looking for our products and services can find us organically and visit our website and reach out to us and buy our products and services.
  2. SEO deals with somewhat technical things that we need to do when or after the website is designed.  To start with we need to find the BEST Keywords that match and reflect your products.  Use them in the right places on each page.
  3. Images: Ensure that each and every image is properly named, described, titled, Alt-Tags assigned, accurate subject is written, Ratings is given, Comments include all the detail as necessary plus new features are included as the technology changes.
  4.  Pages:  Just as explained above each and every page has also to be structured to be search engine friendly to be found and CRAWLED by bots.
  5. Pages:  The page also needs to be properly titled, slug used, meta description, URL etc.  There are several search engine optimization plugins such as Yoast, All-in-One SEO etc to name a few.  We recommend that we use a Premium version to get the most out of it.
  6. SMM:  The Social Media Marketing is very critical in today’s environment because they are very widely used by just about everybody.  We set up your account in all major relevant sites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok etc.
  7. Each of these social media companies have different methods of portraying and marketing the businesses.  Images and short and long videos when properly done can attract people to like, share, save and eventually visit our online store or physical store to buy those products.
  8. SMM:  We do research for several things such as keywords, type of competitive products and services, days and times of people seeing, clicking and visiting the images, videos, ads and more.  Once we get this very important data, we work with you to advise you generate such marketing images, videos and flyers etc.
  9. SMM Analytics:  We visit each social media companies and see the performance- called Analytics and see which images or videos are getting clicks, and interactions by the users.  We then focus the marketing efforts to get the most bang for the bucks.
  10. SEO+SMM:  These two aspects when done properly can produce a much better results.
  11. SMM:  We can do the usual way of marketing but then some Paid Advertising is also recommended.  Again, we look at analytics and the cost and then decide and recommend to have a specific budget for short to medium term marketing.

Give us call to see how your efforts are resulting and how we can make it better for you.

App Design & Development; App Store Optimization; App Marketing; Website Design & Development;Website Maintain & Manage; Website SEO & SMM; Google My Business; Google Ads & Marketing; Google AdMob for Apps; Quick Consulting & Management; QCMDesk